International Workplace Environmental Policy
View our international workplace environmental policy below
International Workplace Environmental Policy
Version 6.3
International Workplace Environmental Policy
July 2020
International Workplace is an innovative company providing consultancy, training and information services in human resources, environmental management and health and safety. We operate from offices in Cambridge.
Our work involves the consumption of energy and resources, generation of waste, and potential contribution to air pollution and climate change. We will seek to reduce these negative impacts on the environment as far as is achievable through the implementation of this policy.
We ask all of our employees at International Workplace to be environmentally conscious. This involves taking responsibility for their own environmental impact and helping others where necessary. Using excessive amounts of resources, printing unnecessarily, creating lots of waste and using too much energy (such as leaving lights and ICT equipment on or using heating and air conditioning in an inefficient way) is costly both financially and to the environment, diverting funds that could be used for other objectives.
International Workplace recognises the influence it has on the environmental impacts of its partners and clients through the provision of its services and will seek to help them maximise the benefits of good environmental management.
International Workplace commits to complying with all applicable environmental legislation and policy. International Workplace also commits to prevent any type of pollution and make sure that our environmental performance continually improves.
We will:
- Recognise our impact on climate change through our consumption of energy and contribution to greenhouse gas emissions. We also recognise the high cost of energy and seek to reduce this wherever possible.
- Look at waste arrangements to make sure that opportunities to divert waste from landfill are being maximised through applying the waste hierarchy, following the following order of preference — reduce, prepare for reuse, recycle and then energy recovery (incineration of waste for heat and/or power).
- Engage with the communities in which we work and contribute financial resources and staff time to selected charitable organisations.
- Look at opportunities to reduce the quantity of resources we consume wherever possible, including the amount of printing and other consumables.
- Engage staff on environmental and sustainability issues. This will influence future environmental objectives and targets.
- Make available sufficient staff time and resources to ensure that this policy is put into place.
- Ensure this environmental policy document is communicated to all staff and available to external stakeholders including clients.
This environmental policy will be reviewed and reissued on a regular basis.
Signed by David Sharp
for and on behalf of
Chief Executive Officer
Signed by Mark Pollyn
for and on behalf of
Chief Financial Officer