There have been several fires reported involving lithium-ion batteries (LiB) as the number of devices containing them increases. But there is not yet enough data to evidence how much of a problem this may become. The question arises as to whether the problem is sufficient to warrant a separate risk assessment for any vehicles or devices on your premises, or whether this should form part of your existing risk assessment.
What is clear is that LiB fires are not like other types of fire, therefore assessing the fire risk they present to your organisation and having an action plan in place to mitigate the risk is key.
In a recent webinar run by IFSEC Insider, Matt Humby from Firechief questioned whether electric vehicles and the use of lithium-ion batteries in the workplace was safe and what measures needed to be taken to manage this risk.
The question of the safety of charging electric vehicles (EVs) in underground car parks proved to be of particular concern in this webinar. Some commercial property owners asked why their fire risk assessments haven’t flagged this as a significant risk.
Said Matt Humby, in a Q&A published by IFSEC Inside:
“Although it is true that there have been several fires reported, there is not yet enough data to evidence how much of a problem this may become. However, good practice would be to avoid installing underground car park charging points if possible and site them in the open instead – but not close to any escape routes, or areas which could impede safe evacuation. It is recommended that EV charging points at workplaces should not be sited near assembly points or flammable storage tanks, etc.
“This in turn brings up the bigger question of the safety of installing high voltage charge points in close proximity to buildings and other infrastructure. This is becoming an increasing concern for property insurers, and it is important that organisations give careful consideration as to where charging points are located. According to insurance broker and risk advisors, Marsh, failure to do so could result in requests from insurers for charge points to be relocated, incurring significant expense and ultimately insurers could even limit or refuse cover where clients decline to relocate charge points.”
Marsh also provided the following guidelines:
- Notify your insurers that you intend to install charging points and undertake a fire risk assessment.
- Locate charging points externally where possible instead of under canopies or inside other enclosed areas of the building. For multi-storey car parks, charging points should be installed only on the open air/roof/top deck, whenever possible.
- No charging should be undertaken within 10 metres of any combustible materials or within 15 metres of hazardous installations.
- Ensure the nominated charging area provides suitable space for vehicles to park and connect safely.
- Ensure there is sufficient electrical infrastructure for the electrical supply at the point of installation. The circuit should be dedicated to the use of the chargers, and not be part of a ring main or used for other purposes.
- Provide employees or tenants with adequate training covering the safe use of such chargers.
If you have a number of e-vehicles and e-bikes in/on your premises, although there is currently no legal requirement to carry out a new fire risk assessment to reflect this, it could be good practice to add one in.
Devices using lithium-ion batteries – the fire risk
Devices using lithium-ion batteries, such as mobile phones and laptops, also pose a fire risk. Speaking at the IFSEC Insider event, Matt Humby highlighted the fire risk associated with the disposal of such items.
He said:
“If batteries, or electricals containing batteries such as mobile phones, laptops, and e- cigarettes, end up inside bins or recycling lorries with other materials, they are then crushed in the waste and recycling process. This increases the chance that the battery could be punctured and self-combust – a process which is called Thermal Runaway – becoming a real risk that it will set fire to surrounding dry and flammable waste and recycling.
“Clearly these fires have the potential to endanger both the public and waste truck operators by causing fires on streets, and waste centres across the UK, while costing local councils millions of pounds. One refuse handing organisation has reported losing three Refuse Collection Vehicles in last 12 months alone due to fires started by lithium-ion batteries in discarded devices.
“According to the Environmental Services Association (ESA), 48% of all waste fires in the UK each year are caused by lithium-ion batteries, costing £158 million annually to waste operators, fire services and the environment. This fire risk is increasing all the time, so it is especially important for education on this type of fire to be given.”
Humby highlighted the following preventative measures to mitigate the risks of Lithium-Ion battery fires:
- Treat lithium-ion batteries and the devices which contain them, with the respect they deserve. Protect the batteries against being damaged through crushing, puncturing or immersion in water as this increases the risk of fire.
- Always use the charger that came with the device. If you need to buy a replacement, choose a branded, genuine product from a supplier you can trust.
- Avoid storing, using, or charging lithium-ion batteries at very high or very low temperatures.
- Don’t leave items continuously on charge after the charge cycle is complete.
- Battery experts recommend that a good charging range is from 20% up to 80% and then recharge from 20% back to 80%. Lithium-ion batteries don’t perform well when they are constantly charged from 1-2% up to 100% and back again.
- Ensure that wherever you charge a device, you still have a clear exit from the room or property in case of fire.
- Never charge a device such as a mobile phone under other items. Lithium-ion batteries need to be kept within a good temperature range, with good circulation of air around them. Always charge them on a hard surface.
- Avoid fast charging an aged or low-performing battery.
Watch the IFSEC Insider webinar here
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