Changing the narrative on suicide

10 Sept 2024

The World Health Organization estimates that more than 720,000 people die every year from suicide. That’s around 2,000 a day or 80 every hour. And for every suicide, there are many more people who attempt it or consider it.

That’s why this year’s World Suicide Prevention Day is focusing on the theme ‘change the narrative’. Organised by the International Association for Suicide Prevention and held on Tuesday 10 September, it is hoped that more awareness can be raised and lives can be saved.

With work playing a key role in people’s mental health and wellbeing, we're sharing advice on how organisations can play a role in suicide prevention.

Mental ill health
Promote mental ill health awareness throughout the organisation. Use visual resources such as posters, which people can comment on – these can be good conversation starters. The back of the toilet door is a great location – people can make a note of helpline numbers in private if they don’t feel ready to talk.

Provide access to support and treatment methods, including signposting for those at risk. Managers don’t need to be experts – an informed conversation can include listening and giving advice on places the person can call if they need to. Train your line managers in how to recognise signs of stress and poor mental health.

Welcome those who have been absent with mental ill health back into the workplace. Returning to work can be a source of anxiety, and it can help employees to be properly welcomed back and shown that there is no awkwardness. Check in informally with colleagues in the office to see how they are in general, just as you would if someone had been experiencing headaches. If you are a line manager, ask if your employee would like to discuss this in their one-to-one.

Make sure you listen. If mental ill health has been triggered by work events, there should be a clear plan to address these and avoid recurrence. Ensure your tone of voice is calm and understanding. It’s okay to be personal and human – even if you have no experience of the problem, showing willingness to listen can be a big help. An important part of talking in depth with an employee is to choose an appropriate time and location to have the discussion. This should be somewhere private and where they feel comfortable. Ideally, they should know you’re going to have the conversation – don't launch it on them.

Talking about suicide
There is no easy way to ask someone if they intend to kill themselves. However, skirting around the issue will not help either. The best approach is to be direct and ask questions such as: Are you thinking about hurting yourself? Are you thinking about dying? Are you thinking about suicide? Asking a person these questions does not ‘put the idea into their head’ – if they have not already been considering it, they will not start to do so as a result of your conversation.

Specialist advice from professionals is available to help you feel more confident in the discussion – try the Jed Foundation or Mind.

If you have reason to believe that an employee/colleague is suicidal, you can reach out to the person. Ask how they are doing and ensure you listen in a non-judgmental manner. Mention any changes you have noticed in their behaviour and that you are concerned. Signpost them to practical professional services they can use for support. This can include HR, occupational health or a doctor. Make sure they understand that you will be willing to listen if they need to talk. Follow up with relevant stakeholders to ensure that the action has been taken – don’t take on this load by yourself.

Although talking to someone about their feelings is important, a person who is feeling suicidal will likely need professional support. If there is an immediate danger to life, call the emergency services and ensure that the person is not left alone. People who provide support to those struggling with suicide also need support, so look out for employees who provide support to other colleagues. Knowing who to contact in the workplace if an employee is feeling suicidal is important. This may be HR, occupational health or an internal counselling service.

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