
Mediation is an effective way of solving conflict in the workplace and can often be a less stressful way of resolving issues than following formal company procedure. Mediation is entirely voluntary and both parties should come to the process look...

Settlement agreements

Settlement agreements were previously referred to as compromise agreements.  Settlement agreements and are a legal document between an employee and an employer which outlines the terms to which they agree to sever the employment contract and...


TUPE covers the transfer of employment of all or part of a business when it changes owner. TUPE regulations protect 2 different types of transfer.  These are business transfers and service provision changes. TUPE regulations apply to all em...

Employment tribunals

Employment Tribunals are an independent judicial body which look to resolve disputes between employers and employees regarding employment rights.  Employment Tribunals also have powers to hear claims from potential employees where discriminat...

Employment contract

An employment contract is an agreement entered into between an employer and an employee at the commencement of the period of employment and stating the exact nature of their business relationship, specifically what compensation the employee will r...

Long Term Sick

The management of long term sickness normally requires a more sensitive approach.  Every case will be different and a number of factors need to be weighed up before coming to a decision on how to proceed. These include: The length of the e...